Monday, January 22, 2007

Week 2, Things 3 & 4 - Set Up and Register Blog

It was interesting listening to (and reading) the 7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learning. My parents have always stressed the importance of learning. My Dad is a great one for asking us what our goals will be for the coming year. My Dad says, "Time will go by - what are your goals?" My dear brother had had enough of it one year and decided to have an "ungoal" year! We still laugh about it, but goals have been such an important part of our lives.

For me, goals are definitely one of the easiest habits of Lifelong Learning. The most difficult would be technology. You see I have a niece who is on the cutting edge of technology - she is simply amazing at how she uses it. She is always managing the latest tools. She has multiple Blogs, pictures on Flickr, downloaded music and streaming videos on her ipod, etc., etc., etc. You see she has done these for years, and I have just begun. However, I am...


Virtual Services Team said...

Sailing, indeed! Good job setting up your blog. You'll be amazed at how much you learn in the next few weeks.

bloedeln said...

This is awesome Becky!!! I hope I am allowed to comment :) Nice thoughts about LR and goal making I never knew that ... which gets me thinking was it my dad who had an ungoal year? I will have to ask him. This is an awesome blog!!! I can't wait until your next post.

sailing said...

Cousett is my sweet and amazing niece!!