Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Week 9, Thing 23 - Conclusion

My journey through San Jose Library's Learning 2.0 has been amazing. When I started this "lifelong learning" experience, I was new to every "thing." As the weeks unfolded, I found myself trying to solve puzzles each new topic and website would bring.

I was moored by Flickr until I was taught, by one of our talented interns, how to copy and paste a URL. This new bit of knowledge sent me cruising through Really Simple Syndication feeds and HTML postings. I totally enjoyed creating art work from Flickr's third party websites, using image generators, and posting a video from YouTube.

I have found that my Rollyo on U.S. Elections has pulled up some interesting articles. I have also found that "tags" can give you a place to start when deciphering information and photos on Flickr, Technorati or Also, wikis are the tool of the day - enabling a group to edit a piece fluidly.

In thinking about the library potential of many of the different websites, I found endless possibilities. They include Library Clerks sharing a wiki and Librarians posting an instructional video on a subject blog. Most importantly, this program has enabled me to provide more knowledgeable service for our customers. Just the other day, I was asked, "How to you post a picture on a blog?" I said, "All you need to do is..."

I completely enjoyed the learning experience! However, the time commitment was enormous. The nine to twelve week session is so very long. In the future, I would like to see the learning programs broken down into shorter units.
I would like to especially thank the Virtual Services Team for their wonderful work in reviewing hundreds of postings that fill the amazing San Jose Library's Learning 2.0 blogs. Thank you for your kind comments and encouragement.

This journey has been a treasure, and it continues - these technology lessons are just the beginning of my learning experience. My sails are full and they will take me on new adventures within and outside the "23 Things" of this "lifelong learning" experience.


Nice Guy said...

Use more image generator toys @

Melusina said...

You've returned like Marco Polo laden with riches. I'll be back soon to peek again into your bag of treasures. Thanks for sharing your journey in such detail.

Minerva said...

Congratulations! It was really great reading all about the ins and outs of your L2 experience.

butwhatdoIknow? said...

Sailing...I am very impressed with how far you have gotten in these exercises. I am especially impressed because I work with you and have been able to pick your brain about some of this. You are always willing to help the rest of your co-workers who are trailing behind you and are very encouraging. I really appreciate it!!!