Saturday, February 17, 2007

Week 5, Thing 11 - Web 2.0 Awards

My search of the Web 2.0 awards list brought me to the "Mashups and More" category - to a website called "The Supreme Court." I reviewed the site for content thinking that it might be a useful tool at our Reference desk - after all - it received five stars for content quality.

My first concern, as I opened the site, were the four links to Wikipedia within a box labeled "Do Some Research." However, within the same research box, Todd Levy, the site creator, also included links to the U.S. Supreme Court's official site, and the Government Printing Office's U.S. Supreme Court's Opinions Database.
There were also a dichotomy of stories within the "News Stories" tab: Some stories regarded the impact on the law and others were filled with tales of gossip. The "Web Links" tab included a link to the PBS Supreme Court site, but also had a number of John Roberts postings - only the John Roberts they spoke of wasn't the Chief Justice, but an employee for Open DNS (A new Domain Name System (DNS) for the Internet.). Under the "Blog Entries" tab, Technorati tags were used for "Supreme Court." Unfortunately, this included blogs concerning the Supreme Court in Canada, the Republic of Croatia, and the state of Missouri.

Based on these findings, I would not recommend this site as a reference tool.

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